25 Nisan 2019 Perşembe



He was born in 1881 (probably in the spring) in Salonica, then an Ottoman city, now in Greece. His father Ali Riza, a customs official turned lumber merchant, died when Mustafa was still a boy. His mother Zubeyde, a devout and strong-willed woman, raised him and his sister. First enrolled in a traditional religious school, he soon switched to a modern school. In 1893, he entered a military high school where his mathematics teacher gave him the second name Kemal (meaning perfection) in recognition of young Mustafa's superior achievement. He was thereafter known as Mustafa Kemal.

atatürk ile ilgili görsel sonucu
In 1905, Mustafa Kemal graduated from the War Academy in Istanbul with the rank of Staff Captain. Posted in Damascus, he started with several colleagues, a clandestine society called "Homeland and Freedom" to fight against the Sultan's despotism. In 1908 he helped the group of officers who toppled the Sultan. Mustafa Kemal's career flourished as he won his heroism in the far corners of the Ottoman Empire, including Albania and Tripoli. He also briefly served as a staff officer in Salonica and Istanbul and as a military attache in Sofia.
In 1915, when Dardanelles campaign was launched, Colonel Mustafa Kemal became a national hero by winning successive victories and finally repelling the invaders. Promoted to general in 1916, at age 35, he liberated two major provinces in eastern Turkey that year. In the next two years, he served as commander of several Ottoman armies in Palestine, Aleppo, and elsewhere, achieving another major victory by stopping the enemy advance at Aleppo.

atatürk ile ilgili görsel sonucu

On May 19, 1919, Mustafa Kemal Pasha landed in the Black Sea port of Samsun to start the War of Independence. In defiance of the Sultan's government, he rallied a liberation army in Anatolia and convened the Congress of Erzurum and Sivas which established the basis for the new national effort under his leadership. On April 23, 1920, the Grand National Assembly was inaugurated. Mustafa Kemal Pasha was elected to its Presidency.
Fighting on many fronts, he led his forces to victory against rebels and invading armies. Following the Turkish triumph at the two major battles at Inonu in Western Turkey, the Grand National Assembly conferred on Mustafa Kemal Pasha the title of Commander-in-Chief with the rank of Marshal. At the end of August 1922, the Turkish armies won their ultimate victory. Within a few weeks, the Turkish mainland was completely liberated, the armistice signed, and the rule of the Ottoman dynasty abolished.
In July 1923, the national government signed the Lausanne Treaty with Great Britain, France, Greece, Italy, and others. In mid-October, Ankara became the capital of the new Turkish State. On October 29, the Republic was proclaimed and Mustafa Kemal Pasha was unanimously elected President of the Republic.

atatürk ile ilgili görsel sonucu

Atatürk married Latife Usakligil in early 1923. The marriage ended in divorce in 1925.
The account of Atatürk's fifteen year Presidency is a saga of dramatic modernization. With indefatigable determination, he created a new political and legal system, abolished the Caliphate and made both government and education secular, gave equal rights to women, changed the alphabet and the attire, and advanced the arts and the sciences, agriculture and industry.
In 1934, when the surname law was adopted, the national parliament gave him the name "Atatürk" (Father of the Turks).
On November 10, 1938, following an illness of a few months, the national liberator and the Father of modern Turkey died. But his legacy to his people and to the world endures.

22 Nisan 2019 Pazartesi

                             Macit Gökberk
(1908; Selanik - 15 Ağustos 1993; İstanbul)

Felsefe dilinin yalınlaşması, terim karmaşasının giderilmesi ve kavramların sınırlanması alanlarında önemli çalışmalarda bulunan tanınmış Türk felsefecisidir.

Kurtuluş Savaşı komutanlarından Şükrü Naili Gökberk ile eşi Nazire Hanım’ın oğlu Macit Gökberk, 1908'de Selanik’te doğdu.
İstanbul Erkek Lisesi’nden mezun olduktan sonra 1932’de İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Bölümünü Platon’un Theaitetos Diyaloğu üzerindeki bir çalışmasıyla bitirdi. Aynı yıl bu bölüme asistan oldu ve Hans Reichenbach’ın Logik adı altında verdiği dersleri Türkçe’ye aktardı.
1935 yılında doktora çalışmaları için Berlin Üniversitesi’ne gitti. 1940 yılında Prof. Eduard Spranger’in yanında Hegel ve Auguste Comte’da Toplum Kavramı adı teziyle doktorasını verdikten sonra Türkiye’ye döndü ve İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Bölümü’ndeki görevine devam etti. Aynı bölümde önce doçent(1941), daha sonra da profesör(1949) oldu. 1978 yılında emekliye ayrıldı.
Gökberk’in çalışmaları felsefe tarihi ile dil ve bilgi sorunu olmak üzere iki konuda yoğunlaşmıştır. Felsefe tarihi ile ilgili çalışmalarını topladığı Felsefe Tarihi adlı yapıtı bir Türk felsefecisi tarafından kaleme alınmış ilk kapsamlı felsefe tarihidir.
Anadolu-Yunan felsefesinden yola çıkarak 18. yüzyıl Aydınlanmasına, özellikle de Kant ve Hegel’e uzanan çalışmalarında Hegel’in devlet felsefesi, Kant ve Herder’in tarih anlayışları başlıca odağı oluşturur. Herder’le Kant’ın tarih sorununa getirdikleri çözümü Kant ile Herder’in Tarih Anlayışları adlı yapıtında, Hegel’le ilgili çalışmalarını da Felsefe Arşivi dergisinde yer alan Hegel’in Devlet Felsefesi ve Hegel Felsefesi-Yaşayan Yönleriyle adlı yazılarında sergilenmiştir.
Dil konusunun Gökberk’in felsefe anlayışı içinde özel bir yeri vardır. Düşüncenin üretilmesinde başlıca kaynak olan dil, onu kullananlardan bağımsız değildir; uygarlığın gelişimi ile değişir, kendi kendini yeniler. Gökberk dil ile ilgili bu düşüncelerini Değişen Dünya, Değişen Dil adlı bu yapıtında toplamıştır.
Bu arada felsefe dilinin sadeleşmesi, Türkçe felsefe terimlerinin kurulması, kavramların sınıflandırılması yolunda uğraş vermiştir. 1942yılında henüz bir öğrenci iken ilk Türk Dil Kurultayı’nı izleyen Macit Gökberk, 1954-1960ve 1969-1976 yılları arasında Türk Dil KurumuBaşkanlığı yapmıştır.
Macit Gökberk 15 Ağustos 1993 günü İstanbul’da öldü.
Her yıl felsefe ve deneme yazıları alanında Gökberk ailesi ve Türkiye Felsefe Kurumutarafından anısına Macit Gökberk Felsefe Ödülü verilir.

4 Nisan 2019 Perşembe

English Performance Task "Book Review"

Improbable Book
Summary (Adam Fawer)
Name of the Book: Unusual
The Man of the Book Adam Fawer
Pages of book: 494

Improbable Novel SummaryDavid Caine is constantly playing poker, which is good with numbers. One day he was playing poker in the crowded cellar of the Chernobyl Russian restaurant on D Boulevard. It was a place owned by Vitaly Nikolaev. David's playmate asked me to raise 20? But David couldn't answer, he could hear his friend, but he could talk, his stomach feeling quaint. Curse in it just in time. David takes occasional seizures. He had a seizure. But as it stands, the bile account continued. David plays the calculation of all of us and then it's time for a long time. Generally, it would save time when calculating all processes. David continued thinking for a long time and increased the money more. Because the cards in his hand were very strong and he was able to get a card at 442 for a card and a score of 19,448 for 2 cards, which would have been impossible, as the cards would be a combination of cards. David relied on it to open his cards, but his opponent's cards were caught when we said impossible. David had a huge debt and couldn't believe it. Because it was the first time. Caine was about to die in distant nausea, but continued to close her debt, and she started raising her money until $ 15,750 was paid. At the end, the cards were unearthed, and the Flush and the frame were calculated to have a chance of coming up by 1, 4, 3, 5, and 595, respectively. But the lost game. The Russian mafia had exactly $ 11,000 in debt to Vitalye. He didn't know how to pay it, but suddenly he fell and fainted.

Dr. Tversky, a girl named Julia was experimenting on him when she was loving her. There was something weird about this girl. It was like he could see the future. What we call dejavu was very frequent. But instead of just seeing the future, it was officially able to see all the events. And that girl was rhymed, which was the greatest proof that he could see the future. Such people were often diagnosed with schizophrenia and incarcerated in a mental institution.

When Caine woke up, she was in the hospital, wondering how many hours she had slept uy At the same time she heard a sound. Caine didn't like his brother. Because they took him to the mental hospital because he was schizophrenic. But now he was released. In fact, I was just talking about the dejavu incident I was talking about in Jasper. But when he told this to others, they took him to an insane as crazy. Caine insisted that her brother insisted upon entering a big debt. His brother, who learned that his debt was $ 11,000, was a great hoot. And when he had heard that his brother had been beaten up by a stalking hand, he respected the man who defeated him. Dr. Kummar told him that they wouldn't be able to fix this disease, but if they didn't improve he could be better if he joined as a guinea pig in their experiments. Because he had no salvation from this disease. Caine began to participate in these experiments, and after each experiment, she started to feel good, after a while. Caine went on with her normal life again. But there was an oddity in her life, she felt before the events occurred. At first he thought of opening it to others, but then he immediately gave up because he feared he would get in trouble. Vitaly then came to the hospital and sent her to get the first installment. While he was wandering the hospital, he heard a baby named Elizabeth crying and calmed him down.He heard a sound when he was coming out of the room. But there was no one around him, but because he had heard the sound before, he did as he said. Jasper was at home, but he heard a sound inside of his brother's head in trouble and immediately took his gun and went to the hospital. At that time Vitaly's man Sergey grabbed him by his throat and wanted his money. Jasper told his brother to quit immediately and the man left his brother. Then brother brother escaped from there. All the things were scattered when they went home (Jasper and Caine twins) heard a voice inside Jasper about Vitaly's coming home tomorrow to beat his brother. And Jasper couldn't be beaten because they were twins, so they couldn't beat her. And when Vitaly came along, they threw Jasper into Caine, beat all his bones, and then they left. Caine had shopped at that time and couldn't recognize her brother when she returned. He took him upstairs and listened. And she was surprised because she couldn't have had such a coincidence as her brother knew the future of the men. There were a lot of questions in mind, but he became interested in his brother and began to rub his wounds.

After a while, Caine spoke to a friend, Tommy. Tommy hit the national lottery when he committed suicide. Caine asked him to pay off his debt. Tommy owed it to Caine when she was little. Now it's time to pay my debt, he said okay. And the bomb exploded at the point where they met to give the money. Tommy died, but Caine would die too, but at that time a woman came out of her life saved her name, Nava and Caine. Nava was a very good agent. She didn't know why, but she felt like saving Caine and trusting her. One day Jasper came out and took Caine and Nava to a cafe. Jasper told me 5dk but believe me I entered the saying saying I'm not crazy and could actually see the future and told me everything about it. Then he turned to Caine, and you can see the future, in fact, that's all the nausea. He said you can't handle it and you love it because you've spent too much energy on your brain. They didn't even believe it. But then they calmed down and thought about it and thought his brother was right. There were two professors who were experimenting with them. They were to use them as guinea pigs and they would die at the end of the experiment. At the end of the book the doctor captures caine and jasperi. They torture them and observe things. And his eyes are always kept open. Because they have to close their eyes to see the future. After a while, Caine can't stand it. And they fall asleep with their eyes open. Even though he is blind, he can see the future. Nava communicates with the mast. Nava can hear him, but he can't answer. And Navaya gives information about the room in which they are held and the security system. He leads the Nav by directing it there. Nava saves them and escapes. In the end, the doctor is sentenced forever and Caine speaks with the voice inside his brain. The voice actually tells them that he is the only one who leads the future. Because we can not see the future draw ourselves. We have a choice. Either that or we're gonna do this. When we calculate all the possibilities, we will come up when we choose the right.

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