15 Kasım 2018 Perşembe

Turkish Cuisine

 The Turkish cuisine left over from the Ottoman culture influenced the cuisine of the Balkans and the Middle East and was influenced by these cuisines. In addition, Turkish cuisine shows differences in many areas. Some of them are Black Sea Cuisine, Southeast Cuisine, Orta Anadolu Cuisine etc. many localities have their own rich food treasure.

 The soup is indispensable for the Turkish cuisine especially during the winter season. Lentil Soup,  Ezogelin Soup, Yoghurt Soup and Tarhana Soup are the most preferred soups. However, in the Turkish cuisine there are many different kinds of soup.

Meat, Vegetables and legumes are usually the main ingredients of sacks. Meat juice, flour, yoghurt and noodle are used to make these ingredients into soup. It is believed that the bouillon soup is good for the head of alcoholic drinks. Most of the meat dishes in Turkish cuisine are in kebabs, köfteler and juicy meat dishes.

Kebabs are usually found in restaurants and prepared by grilling method. Among the kebabs döner kebap is among the most held kebabs. Adana Kebab, Iskender Kebab and Ribs are also very common. Roast dishes are made by kneading with onion and various spices in cooked broth. Saucers can be made as frying, frying or juicy meals. Among the

Meatballs, Inegöl Köftesi is the most demanded in the country. Among the meat dishes are Stew, Kebab, and various Kinds and Yahns. In addition, there are many fish, chicken and offal dishes in Turkish cuisine.

Batuhan SEVDA

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